Somehow im having fun narrating the sad events of my life... maybe its the weather... hayy... or the heat?! ...or maybe im just hungry as usual! hahaha...nonetheless heres another sad yet somewhat "whatdafk" story.... another one of my life's anecdotes ...i call this entry, White Orchids....
This just happened mid last year (2006), already familiar with the ins and outs of G4M.... and since my account is almost always online 24/7... its not unusual for me to get about 20 or so messages daily... but for the most part most of them are either just crap or slightly crappy or generally full of crap! Come on, please be courteous enough to show a face included in your message with your contact infos... isn't that annoying?
So was one of those regular evenings that i got a message from a new member, a faceless and empty profile... but luckily he caught me in my good mood so i entertained his "his and hellos" ...but he knew the drill, he immediately attached a pic on his second message... but i wasn't impressed, he looked rather normal to me... but as the conversation progressed... i found out, he just lived nearby and an interior designer plus from a good family (i have to stress this all the time!=P) anyways... it became the norm for us to catch each other online around 10pm at nite and sometimes in the afternoons... we finally exchanged digits but again, i thought... he looked regular so i really wasn't keen on meeting him, i didnt even bother to check his details or what have other words, if i was to meet him, it would just be for one thing ... hehehe =P

A few days later, i just happened to be checking a client's condo unit near his condo so i thought why not give him a ring. It just so happen that he was also at a building site near the bay, i told him, i was in the area (near his condo) so maybe we can meet up or something... anyways... he told me that he was almost done, and he'll meet me at the lobby of his condo in an hour or so... i thought perfect since, i had to make some measurements at my client's unit.
...finishing up... i hurriedly, crossed the street (quite a long walk!) to his building... texted him that i was in the lobby already... he said he'll be down in a while... hmm.. 30 mins later... i was soo ready to leave ( i hate waiting!) when my phone rang... it was him, he was outside... turns out... he just arrived... dang! he looked H.O.T! standing 5'9, fair skin, and a really good build! yummm!!! hehehe... after exchanging pleasantries and the usual "sorry im late converse," he invited me to go to the pool area so we can talk some more...
...i guess he was checkin me out... =P ahha... immediately... we talked about designs and work and all that jazz... then after maybe 30 or so mins, he invited me to go to his unit. Hmm... after, more chitterchatter... he even prepared ice cream for me complete with all the yummy additives! hehehe... anyways... i thought he looked fine... and so we did it... actually, faith intervened... he was suppose to leave for the Cosmo bash at WTC but his phone died down so he had to recharge... hmm...
what happened was... i was not really expecting anything to materialize but while he was recharging his phone... i looked over the window and whilst admiring the view of Marikina ridge, he put his arms around me... then next thing I knew clothes were flying everywhere! hahaha... and the rest is for you to imagine (wink wink)... so after that unplanned meeting... i thought he was particularly fine, either as a friend or otherwise... i showed him some pics from my digicam... he commented on a picture of a white orchid....
...that evening we did exchange messages online and on the phone... few days later, on my morning run (i try to run/walk 5-8km daily)... i thought why not get him a bouquet of white orchids! hmm... it was a spur of the moment decision, so whilst on my jogging garb, i boarded the MRT to Farmer's market, it was already 6 in the morning! So by the time, i found freshest of orchids that i was looking for, it was already 7 and back at the train station, it was already packed so with my fragile cargo... i opted to just take
a cab... but finding a cab at 7 in the morning is like looking for a needle in a haystack... after several minutes walking around the Araneta Center... i finally found one! rushing back to his condo and already looking like a mess, the guard didn't let me in! argh!!! not to argue, i told him, i was to deliver some flowers to someone... he asked me where... oops! i forgot the room number and his last name! but i knew where his unit was! i know what floor but i forgot the exact number! yikesss!!! so immediately thinking on my toes...i said, its a surprise! hahaha... of course... in my american twang... i told him, its at unit 31XX... hahah... im not even sure... still the reception guy was hesitant to let me in... so he radio-ed another guard to check the unit i said... anyways... the guy on the other line asked who i was... then i said... its suppose to be a surprise! hahah... so after a few explainations eventually they allowed me up but with a security guy accompanying me! yikes... so already planning how i was to go about by it and expecting the unexpected...
...arriving at his floor... and with security behind me... i passed by my "guy's" unit... hahaha and at the end of the hall a lady was waiting, she was around 27, who looked like she just got out of bed and a look of "who the hell are you" written all over her face... so i walked towards her, with a sly smile on my face.. and upon seeing the bouquet i brought, she was like... "oh my god, no..." hahah... it was so funny, so i rushed to her and told her, that there was a i told her everything... and asked if i can stay and wait at her unit first, while the security goes away... she was kind enough to let me... actually, she thought, the guy she was dating, was asking her to marry him...hahaha... i told her, sorry for the trouble... =P geez... what a day! so immediately after the security left... i thanked her, actually my original plan was just to leave the bouquet of white orchids hanging on the door knob of W's (the guy) unit ...of course, things always go not as planned... this really was destined for the books or blog...=P feeling ive accomplished my task... i went back home and went back to bed... and expecting a message from W when i wake up... also included in the bouquet was a personal note, (why white orchids, aside from they are my fave flowers, its the only flower i give to those i like and i like receiving em too...eheheh, hint hint!!!)
the story doesnt end there btw... hahaha...
so after a few nites... i messaged him, fishing for infos..but there was none... not even a thank you! hmmm... i wonder what happened...
then after several days, i couldn't hold it any longer, i asked if he received the flowers...and he was like, "yes?! how did you know about it"... and im thinking... umm, hello! next message was... "gosh, was it from you?! oh my god! i said yes to someone because he told me it was from him!"!!!!! anyways...lets just say it didn't work out... all that effort for nothing...hahaha... well except for the ice cream and "dessert" hehehe... hmm... in the end, it still worked out for me... i guess =P hhehehe
(i just noticed, all the bad events of my life are sooo amusing to put in writing now, that i recall em all....) maybe i should write more about happy memories...hahaha (but that would be boring) ...what do you think? hehehe.... =P
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