Yikes... on my second week, ive been tagged by Mink... although i had to ask the tagger what being tagged is all about, hahaha... anyways it works like this...
“Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things about himself or herself. People who get tagged need to write a blog entry of their own as well as state the rule clearly. In the end, you need to tag 6 people as well and list their names. Don’t forget to let them know they’ve been tagged!”
So im suppose to write 6 weird things about me...hmmm where do i start...
yikes... i thought this would be easy hmmm... (after 30 mins)
6. lately, i have been going commando, au naturelle... hahaha... theres nothing like freedom down there...hahaha... it actually started around early summer, too hot... had to do quick errands, needed quick change so there... im actually liking it...hehee... i go out meet clients wearing dress pants without anything underneath, hehehe...hmm... all day yesterday, see previous post, i was walking around MOA, Greenbelt and Bonifacio HighStreet with no undies on... hahaha... just try not to look at super hunkalicious dudies or else... major tenting which equals to mega ouchie will happen! =P ...easy access? hahah...more of that soon...
5. dang... i just remembered... i have this thing of being trapped in restrooms! ...maybe something happened one summer morning, that i've been jinxed in restrooms! hahha... first time it happened was at the Max in San Pablo, Laguna way back before i left for the US so make that 10 or so years ago... after a hearty lunch, i told my dad that i just needed to go to the restroom, let me describe how the layout of the place is... that Max is huge! its like a hotel! with a reception, a lobby and all... and their restroom is another story, its huge! its like another function room onto itself, and the cubicles have full length doors, like a regular room. So anyways heres what happened... i went to the restroom, the water closet (toilet) to pee! i went in the lil room, and closed the door, so after a minute, i was done... so i turned the lock horizontally... and the door wont budge!
wtf!!! ...i turned it again, but it wont open... finally after a few minutes, i hear the door open... i mustered enough courage and swallowed my pride, i said... "help...im stuck inside..." next thing i knew... i hear him hurrying out the door! hahaha (may he thought it was a ghost!) yikes... so again, in vain, i tried unlocking the door... but after maybe 30 mins! i figured...why not turn the lock vertically... shucks... it opened! wahhh... i hurried out...and everybody was looking at me! when i went out of the restroom, down the dining hall, down the hall to the lobby and out the door! =(
okay... so fast forward to may around 2002 or 2003 in Fidel, in Malate... that chic fusion Moroccan resto... i was there with a girl, who was once arranged for me to marry...hahaha (yes the practice still is in existence) ...but were good friends now (more of her soon)... we were havin dinner... and i said, i needed to use the restroom... again i was gonna take a leak! i bolted the door... btw... the restroom was really nice! it was all mirrored and in lit with halogen pinlights (nice but generates heat in such a cramped space) ...stupidly i left my phone upstairs! after washing my hands... i tried unbolting the door but wtf!!! it was stuck... yikes... again, i didnt want to cause a scene so i tried to pry it but it was still stuck =( dang eventually after maybe 30 mins... i was already sweating like a pig! cooked up in that space... i realized i had my car keys all along... so i picked the bolt...and it slid... hayyy... of course, agian everybody was looking at me funny =( ...Atty. Legarda was there too! and i had to mega explain everything to my "date" yikes... told her about the incident at Max, and she was like... oh come on... its okay... its normal! wahh... we just laugh about it!!!
4. i love, love, love, love...lurve..... FURRRRR something about the texture and feel of fur... drive me crazy... heheh... i love it on my skin... sable, deer, fox, mink... and all other yummy goodness furrr.... (PETA im sorry...) i just love love love it! ...i know, whats the use of it here in our gosh greenhouse country... if theres a will theres a way...hahaha... when i do my drawings and sketches, i have a deer pelt under the table and i run my feet over em...whilst drawing... ahhh...pure ecstasy =)
3. super high tolerance for alcohol... but im not an alcoholic dont get me wrong... hehehe... but this one is funny, since sometimes... people want to get me drunk so they would buy me drinks... its futile! if i don't like em, i just let em buy me drinks till their wallets dry out...hahah... then when i see them all wobbly, i would say... okay, my turn to buy the drinks...heheeh... but if i like the person, first drink...i pretend to be down already...hahaha =P whooooo... i miss bora! ...actually there is a secret, an antidote for getting drunk...hehehe
2. i adore royalty...the pomp and pageantry of it all... Asian, European...American? even filipino royalty... i just love it to bits! its funny... i always thought i descended from royalty...or maybe i did? hmmm... last emperor of China perhaps? or maybe the Spanish dauphin? hahah... well we can all dream... =) but i dont think im alone in this fascination, royalty hahaha...sounds sooo gay to me! tell tale signs anyone? ...did i mention i had an entire garb made complete with a cape and all the accoutrements of royalty?! hahaha... now that is weird!
1. and for the finale.... i guess being me is weird already! the weirdest of em all.... but its all fine and dandy... being weird means being unique and special. hahaha... (wala na ako maisip e)
hayy...im suppose to tag 6 guys: dang...i havent really exchanged links with a lot of guys yet but here goes...
1. misterhubs (my mentor) =P
2. ayan
3. gerard
4. thad
5. a gay boi's life
6. joy
...hmm... who wouldve thought i would enjoy writing this entry...haaha... and i did find some quirks in me... we all do... guys try it =) ill be looking forward to yours...
hi there wentle. naku mag iisip pa ako ng ilalagay kong entry. mukhang mahirap mag isip. il let u know once im done. take care and have a great weekend. super lakas ng ulan d2 sa isla.
Lagot ka, I heard PETA is hunting you down already with their can of red paint. Hehe. Thanks for the tag. :)
joy...i know! hirap...took me 3 hours to finish my entry..hahah... loving your pics =) i have a series of old churches too...finding appropriate time to post em... ill link you up girl...
misterhubs! hahah... over my deal sexy body...no PETA is gonna ruin my precioussss furrrr.... hahaha =P once you get a feel for the real deal, you'll never go back! hahha... ill be waiting for your quirks mister
...its dead not deal =P hahah... dang, i should reread everything before posting... yikes...
cge wentle add din kita :D
na add na kita :D
looks like you and the restroom has got a 'lil thing going ; ) hihi i love this entry!
=P hehehe... *wink at thad* hahaha
You disgust me and my friend, and we HATE you for wearing real animals you b**ch. And we are proud supporters of peta which by the way means " People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals " hense the word ETHICAL which by the way means you treat them nice. I just thought i should let you know what it means because you dont seem to intelligent. B**CH!!!
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